
Conference Chair & Co-Chair

Prof. Božidar Šarler, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. Laura Vanoli, Department of Engineering, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy

Executive EUROTHERM Committee

Prof. Yann Bartosiewicz (Belgium)
Prof. Carlos Castro (Portugal)
Prof. Gian Piero Celata (Italy)
Prof. Pedro Coelho (Portugal)
Prof. Alberto Coronas (Spain)
Prof. Michel De Paepe (Belgium)
Prof. Paolo Di Marco (Italy)
Prof. Maria Founti (Greece)
Prof. Stephan Kabelac (Germany)
Prof. Reijo Karvinen (Finland)
Prof. Sasa Kenjeres (The Netherlands)
Prof. Christophe Le Niliot (France)
Prof. Denis Lemonnier (France)
Prof. Gianluca Morini (Italy)
Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen (Germany)
Prof. Andrzej Nowak (Poland)
Prof. Björn Palm (Sweden)
Prof. Ioannis Sarris (Greece)
Prof. Tim Persoons (Ireland)
Prof. Karl Ponweiser (Austria)
Prof. Jean-Bernard Saulnier (France)
Prof. Khellil Sefiane (United Kingdom)
Prof. Mina Shahi (The Netherlands)
Prof. Anton van Steenhoven (The Netherlands)
Prof. Peter Stephan (Germany)
Prof. Bengt Sundén (Sweden)
Prof. Janusz Szmyd (Poland)
Prof. Božidar Šarler (Slovenia) 
Prof. Vishwas Wadekar (United Kingdom

Honorary Committee

Prof. Gregor Majdič, Rector, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. Mihael Sekavčnik, Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Organizing Committee

Prof. Iztok Golobič 
Prof. Marko Hočevar
Prof. Tomaž Katrašnik
Prof. Andrej Kitanovski
Prof. Jože Kutin
Dr. Boštjan Mavrič
Prof. Sašo Medved
Prof. Jurij Prezelj
Prof. Uroš Stritih

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana

Industrial Committee

Dr. Peter Cvahte, Impol Aluminium Industry, Slovenia
Dr. Miha Kovačič, Štore-Steel, Slovenia

Under Auspices of

Automatic Control Society of Slovenia
Slovenian Society of Materials
Slovenian Society of Mechanics
Slovenian Society of Simulation and Modelling